inSYNC’s ‘Needed’ Track of the Week: ‘Little Dark Age’ by MGMT
American indie rock band MGMT have appeared with a brand new single named ‘Little Dark Age’. The group have been quiet since the release of their self-titled 2013 album and subsequent world tour. The new tune is the title track to the group’s recently announced fourth studio album. The exact release date is yet to be publicised, but it’s likely to be in January or February. ‘Little Dark Age’ is a fantastic return from a long period of silence from the band, and although may not on the level of some of MGMT’s impressive back catalogue, it’s an electro-pop song to be proud of. It’s flowing melody, the ’80s sounding bassline and echoing vocals makes for a very exciting electronic track. This has got us even more hyped to hear MGMT’s new material.
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